Public docs, from the fires of your Obsidian vault.

Lavadocs is like a view-only Google docs, but for your beautiful markdown.

Push a doc

With a single click.

spa-rocks Simple.
Install the plugin and push your docs. Lavadocs stays out of the way.
web-hyperlink Shareable.
Copy the link to your doc and share it with anyone in the world.
folder-locked Privacy Friendly.
Your data is never sold. (Or used to train AI models.)

Sign up or Self Host

Get 50 docs for free, or host Lavadocs on your own infra.


$4.99 /100 docs

Docs are yours forever. Only buy when your usage grows.

  • Start with 50 docs for free
  • No ads, no tracking, no data selling
  • The latest features land here first
  • Easiest way to try Lavadocs
Start Free

Self Hosted

$0+ one-time

Host and maintain Lavadocs on your own server.

  • Host on your own infrastructure
  • Customize and remix the code
  • Pay what you want
Get the code

Frequently asked questions

Why does Lavadocs Exist?
Google Docs felt impossibly far away from the markdown I love to write in Obsidian. It was a copy-paste-pain to convert my markdown before sharing it with others on Google Docs. I even built a little tool to help me do it! Plus, Google docs isn't very privacy-friendly.
How does Lavadocs Work?
Create an account here. Install the Obsidian plugin, and paste in the Lava Key from your account. With a click on the sidebar, push documents from your vault to your Lavadocs account!
Is this like Obsidian Publish?
Nope. Lavadocs is meant to share one-off documents or docs in progress. If you’re looking to share multiple interconnected notes, with the beauty of Graph View, Obsidian Publish is the best tool out there.
Are all documents public?
Yup. When you push a note into Lavadocs, it becomes publicly available. You’ll share that link with whoever wants to read the content on the page.
What if I want to host / customize Lavadocs myself?
Get the code and go wild! Note that you'll be responsible for maintaining the application, though.
Who builds this?
I'm Saalik! I write programs, prose, and poetry. Obsidian is where I do my best thinking, conjuring essays, poems, and copious notes. Lavadocs is something I'm excited to use, and I hope you find it useful too!

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to and I'll get back to you soon!